Women in the LDS Church

I don’t think it would surprise anyone for me to acknowledge that I consider myself a strong and capable woman. I am sure it initially stemmed from my background and my upbringing. As a child, it never occurred to me that there was anything in this world that I was not capable of doing. My parents never discouraged any of my dreams (well, except for the time that my father convinced me that becoming a gymnast was not likely my most promising athletic pursuit). As a child, I assumed that I would be a gold medalist in the Olympics and world record holder in swimming. I never questioned whether I possessed the ability to go to law school or to get both academic and athletic scholarships to college. I never saw the fact that I am female as a setback. Such a thought never even occurred to me. And my parents certainly never created such a thought. Even in professional setting as an adult, I do find the dialogue o...