A Fathers' Day Tribute to My Dad and Righteous Men
That many of the problems in our modern world stem from the disintegration of the traditional family and the absence of strong fathers in the home appears to be beyond debate. Being a strong father, like being a strong mother, is an exhausting responsibility. Not characterized by a string of glamour and fame, but more appropriately by consistent, loyal service (frequently unrecognized and unappreciated). It was not until I was an adult living on my own that I realized I lived in a magic house as a child. The garbage was always taken out; the furnace filter always changed; the bills always paid; the cars always registered; the mortgage always paid (the light were not always turned out but that is a different issue J ); the doors always locked at night; the temperature appropriately regulated; the dead light bulbs always replaced; the yard always maintained; and not a weed in sight. While I have always appreciated my father, it is only now that I try to m...