Love and Fish

I have always loved Valentines Day. The candy hearts, the roses, and the homemade sugar cookies…but more than that, the idea of having a day to focus on love. In a world that is so full of turmoil and misfortune, it is nice to remember love. While Valentines Day has become a commercialized product of flower companies and Hallmark, a day focused on love is a good reminder of the central importance of love in Christian discipleship. The Great Commandment. In fact, the Savior declared “love” as the greatest commandment. First, “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and will all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” (Matt 22:37). Then, the Savior clarified that the second great commandment is like unto the first, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matt: 22:39). Not only are these commandments primary, Christ clarified they are central: “ On these two ...